
Friday, September 13, 2019

What role does diversity play in nonprofit management Research Paper

What role does diversity play in nonprofit management - Research Paper Example A simple meaning of this term as defined by Jeffries & Amsden (2012) is that a group of people belonging from different ethnic, cultural, religious and social backgrounds to come a common platform and work collectively for achieving a common objective. Several researches have highlighted that the growing impact of globalization in all government, private and non-profit sectors have necessitated the need of incorporating the practice of diversity in the organization and work setup (Jeffries & Amsden, 2012). It is because an organization will be able to develop and maintain better external communication with diverse people and enterprises if it is diverse from the inside also. This is how a healthy and pluralistic working environment is established, both internal and external to the organization. Nielsen & Huang (2009) underline the fact that diversity is not a method for accomplishment but an accomplishment in itself; where people of high aptitude think and construct together without any racial barriers or differences. The concept of diversity is more advocated by the non-profit organizations than other private and governmental bodies due to their nature of work, which is intended to help and flourish every individual without considering their racial attributes (Nielsen & Huang, 2009). Williams (2012) explains that objectives of non-profit organizations can be limited in its accomplishment if the top level managers and executives are all white colours. It is essential of CEOs and owners of such enterprises to understand the power and need of implementing diversity, from the very roots to the top of the organization in order to justify their intent and mission (Williams, 2012). The absence of diversity in an organization can limit it to achieve optimum performance from its employees and inculcate new dimension for crisis management (Philanthropy, 2007). This paper is aim to discus the role of diversity in non-profits management, and how it can be taken as a tool for ensuring prosperity of the organization. The paper will present a theoretical aspect of diversity and its implementation models to illustrate the proper methodology of adopting it within the non-profit organizations. Impact of Diversity: A Theoretical View There have a number of theories dealing with the concept of theory in different dimensions. The Agency theory given by Miller (2002) defines that there always a difference between how organization objectives are perceived by managers and employees. This difference can lead to misunderstanding between the two bodies; the leader or manager and the follower or employees. Miller (2002) further explains that if all top level managers and decision makers are white, then the difference in perception can be further augmented. Hence, in non-profit organizations focus will put on only those needy people who are of the same racial background as those on the power seats (Miller, 2002). The System Theory of Luhman links the concept of dive rsity with the communication within the organization. He explains that the effectiveness of any organization is greatly influence by the communication setup of the organization. If the internal communication is weak, then there are greater chances of employees and staff of developing a negative image of the organization (Luhmann & Gilgen, 2013). In a world where everyone is highly exposed to media, people have adopted the habit of comparing their organization with what is being shown on media and there is a higher probability of developing a negative image of their organization. When people see favouritism and racial bifurcation on the media, they

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